Dr. Zhu lecturing on DMEK corneal transplantation at People’s Hospital No. 9 in Shanghai, China
Invited Lectures
1. “Keratoconus, Intrastromal Cornea Ring Segments,” Paper Session, American Society of Cornea and Refractive Surgery Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA May 2017 (Panelist/Moderator).
2. “All ‘Bout Cornea (ABCs) and External Disease,” NVISION Newport Beach, Continuing Education Lecture (COPE certified), Newport Beach, CA, Nov 2017 (Speaker).
3. “From DSEK to DMEK: Trials and Tribulations,” Department of Ophthalmology, People’s Hospital No. 9, Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China, Mar 2018 (Guest Lecturer).
4. “All ‘Bout Cornea (ABCs) and External Disease,” NVISION Annual Summer Symposium, Continuing Education Lecture (COPE certified), Anaheim, CA, Jun 2018 (Speaker).
5. “Battle of the Bulge: Surgical Treatments for Keratoconus,” NVISION Rowland Heights, Continuing Education Lecture (COPE certified), Rowland Heights, CA, Jan 2019 (Speaker).
6. “Life after Residency,” MedCon Events 1st Annual Conference, Western University, Pomona, CA May 2019 (Guest Panelist).
7. “The Invisible Cone,” NVISION Annual Summer Symposium, Continuing Education Lecture (COPE certified), Huntington Beach, CA, Jun 2019 (Speaker).
8. “Crazy Cornea Cases,” NVISION Rowland Heights, Continuing Education Lecture (COPE certified), West Covina, CA, Jun 2019 (Speaker).
9. “Crazy Cornea Cases,” NVISION Rowland Heights, Continuing Education Lecture (COPE certified), City of Industry, CA, July 2019 (Speaker).
10. “The Invisible Cone,” NVISION South Bay Regional Symposium, Continuing Education Lecture (COPE certified), Long Beach, CA, Aug 2019 (Speaker).
11. “Business Residency Dinner: Career Paths After Training,” University of Southern California (USC), Department of Ophthalmology, Downtown Los Angeles, CA, Sep 2019 (Guest Panelist).
12. “Journey to J1+: Surgical Treatments for Presbyopia” NVISION Rowland Heights, Continuing Education Lecture (COPE certified), Anaheim, CA, Sep 2019 (Speaker).
13. “Pupilloplasty Techniques and Innovations in Iris Repair” Skills Transfer Lab, American Academy of Ophthalmology, San Francisco, CA Oct 2019 (Co-instructor).
14. “Beyond LASIK- Phakic IOLs,” NVISION Rowland Heights, Continuing Education Lecture (COPE certified), Covina, CA, Jan 2020 (Speaker).
15. “Surgical Pearls for ICLs” Envision Summit Ophthalmology, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Feb 2020 (Speaker).
16. “21st Century Healthcare: The Rise of Social Media” Envision Summit Ophthalmology, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Feb 2020 (Speaker).
17. “Beyond LASIK- Phakic IOLs,” NVISION Orange County Spring Regional Symposium, Continuing Education Lecture (COPE certified), Irvine, CA, Mar 2020 (Speaker).
18. “Social Media for the Ophthalmologist: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century,” Instructional Course, American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, Boston, MA May 2020 (Co-instructor).
19. “21st Century Healthcare: The Rise of Social Media” NVISION Rowland Heights, Continuing Education Lecture (COPE certified) Apr 2020 (Webinar Speaker).
20. “Solutions for your Presbyopia Population” Alcon Surgeon to Surgeon Digital Series, Apr 2020 (Webinar Speaker).
21. “The Invisible Cone: Preoperative Screening for Ectasia,” Continuing Education Lecture (COPE certified), Asian American Optometric Society, Jun 2020 (Webinar Speaker).
22. “Millennial Eye Live.” BMC Vision Summit, Philadelphia, PA, Sep 2020 (Faculty).
23. “Misconceptions of Refractive Surgery,” Resident Education Webinar Series, Refractive Surgery Alliance, Sep 2020 (Webinar co-panelist).
24. “PanOptix Symposium,” Annual Meeting American Academy of Ophthalmology, Nov 2020 (Webinar co-panelist)
25. “Tips on Establishing Yourself,” co-panelist, Young Ophthalmologist Program, Annual Meeting American Academy of Ophthalmology, Nov 2020 (Webinar co-panelist)
26. “An Unapologetic Approach to Building Your Career and Influence as a Young Female Surgeon” Young MD Connect Mentoring Session, YoungMDConnect, Dec 2020 (Featured webinar speaker)
27.“Lens-Based Refractive Surgery,” Refractive Surgery Alliance, Dec 2020 (Webinar co-panelist).
28. “VivityView Symposium, Alcon, Feb 2021 (Webinar co-panelist).
29. “Vivity Round Table,” Alcon and Bryn Mawr Communications, Mar 2021 (Webinar co-panelist).
30. “Journey to J1+: Advances in Lens-Based Solutions to Presbyopia,” Rising Stars in Ophthalmology, Mar 2021 (Featured webinar speaker).
31. “Near, Far, and Everything in Between – Lens-Based Approaches to Presbyopia Correction,” Women in Ophthalmology, Mar 2021 (Webinar co-panelist).
32. “Asians in Healthcare 2: Dismantling the System,” Dear Asian Youth, Mar 2021 (Webinar co-panelist).
33. “Battle of the Bulge: Surgical Treatments for Keratoconus,” Asian American Optometric Society, Continuing Education Lecture (COPE certified), Rowland Heights, CA, Mar 2021 (Webinar speaker).
34. “Getting Real About Residency,” YoungMD Connect, Apr 2021 (Webinar faculty).
35. “Journey to J1+: Advances in Lens-Based Solutions to Presbyopia,” NVISION Rowland Heights, Continuing Education Lecture (COPE certified) May 2021 (Webinar Speaker).
36. “Eyhance Rountable,” Ocular Surgery News, May 2021 (Webinar co-panelist)
37. “AAPI Talks: Change Agents/Influencers,” Chinese American Heritage Foundation. May 2021 (Webinar co-panelist).
38. “Managing the Unhappy Refractive Patient: Top Ten Tips” Global Education and Research Society of Ophthalmology. June 2021 (Webinar co-panelist).
39. Summer Symposium. American-European Congress of Ophthalmic Surgery. Deer Valley, UT, July 2021 (Faculty Speaker).
40. “Vivity Launch,” Faculty Discussion, American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, Las Vegas, NV, July 2021.
Research Article Publications
1. Bae H, Zhao L, Zhu D, Kanim L, Wang J, Delamarter R. Variability Among 10 Production Lots of a Single Demineralized Bone Matrix Product. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 92:427-435, 2010
2. Zhu D, Berry J, Ediriwickrema L, Wong K, Lee TC, Murphree AL, Kim J, Jubran R. Long-Term Outcomes of Group B Eyes in Patients with Retinoblastoma Treated with Short-Course Chemoreduction: Experience from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles/University of Southern California, 2:105-111 J Ocul Oncol and Pathol Dec 2015.
3. Sinha I, Zhu D, Ojomo K, Gfrer L, Sawh-Martinez R, Patel A, Chan RK, Watkins JF. Functional and subjective assessment of burn contracture release in a mission setting. Burns. 2016 Jan 5. pii: S0305-4179(15)00208-9.
4. Zhu D, Ameri HA, Reznik A, Rao N. Acute Hypotony Maculopathy Following the Initiation of a Topical Aqueous Suppressant in a Patient With a History of Panuveitis Without Previous Filtering Surgery. American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports. 2017 Sep; 7:95-99.
5. Shah P, Zhu D, Culbertson W. Therapeutic Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Lamellar Keratectomy for Multi-Drug Resistant Nocardia Keratitis. Cornea. 2017 Nov;36(11):1429-1431.
6. Zhu D, Shah P, Feuer WJ, Shi W, Koo E. Outcomes of conventional phacoemulsification versus femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery in eyes with Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2018 May;44(5):534-540.
Research Podium Presentations
1. Bae H, Zhao L, PhD, Kanim L, Zhu D, Pradhan B, Delamarter R. Variability Among 10 Production Lots of a Single Demineralized Bone Matrix (DBM) Product. Combined Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Societies, Honolulu, HI 2007
2. Bae H, Zhao L, Kanim L, Thai L, Zhu D, Pradhan B, Wang J, Delamarter R. Variability Among 10 Production Lots of a Single Demineralized Bone Matrix (DBM) Product. North American Spine Society National Meeting, Austin, TX 2007
3. Bae H, Zhao L, Zhu D, Kanim L, Thai L, Mehta G, Wang J, Pradhan B, Delamarter R. Variability Among 10 Production Lots of a Single Demineralized Bone Matrix (DBM) Product. Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA 2008
4. Bae HW, Zhao L, Zhu D, Kanim LEA, Wang JC, Pradhan B, Delamarter RB. Variability Among 10 Production Lots of a Single Demineralized Bone Matrix (DBM) Product. Western Orthopedic Association Annual Meeting, Maui, HI 2008
5. Bae H, Zhao L, Kanim L, Zhu D, Mehta G, Wang J, Delamarter R. Concentration of BMP2 and BMP7 predicts in vivo fusion performance of 30 lots amongst 3 different demineralized bone matrix (DBM) based products. North American Spine Society National Meeting, Toronto, Canada 2008
6. Bae H, Zhao L, Kanim L, Zhu D, Yasmeh S, Pradhan B, Hossain T, Wang J, Delamarter R. Effective doses of BMP-2 and BMP-7 in demineralized bone matrix products for spinal fusion. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV 2009
7. Bae H, Zhao L, Kanim L, Walia R, Tannous B, Houman J, Zhu D, Rasouli A, Delamarter R. An ex vivo measurement of secreted gaussia luciferase accurately predicts in vivo BMP induced stem cell survival and spinal tissue. North American Spine Society, Spine Across the Sea Maui, Hawaii 2009.
8. Zhu D, Sinha I, Keshwani R, Luong B, Prabhu M, Patel A, Keswani S, Watkins J. Functional and Subjective
Assessment of Postburn Contracture Release. International Society for Burn Injuries, Edinburgh, Scotland, Sep. 2012.
9. Zhu D, Sinha I, Keshwani R, Luong B, Prabhu M, Patel A, Keswani S, Watkins J. Functional and Subjective
Assessment of Postburn Contracture Release. Southern Region Burn Conference, Norfolk, VA, Nov. 2012.
10. Zhu D, Berry J, Ediriwickrema L, Wong K, Lee TC, Murphree AL, Kim J, Jubran R. Long-Term Outcomes of Group B Eyes in Patients with Retinoblastoma Treated with Short-Course Chemoreduction: Experience from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles/University of Southern California. International Society of Ocular Oncology, Paris, France 2015.
11. Zhu D, Koo E. Outcomes of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery versus standard phacoemulsification cataract surgery in eyes with Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Meeting, Los Angeles, CA 2017.
12. Zhu D, Chan J. Outcomes of Unilateral Refractive Lens Exchange with a Trifocal Intraocular Lens in Hyperopic Presbyopic Patients. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Meeting, (Webcast) 2020.
13. Zhu D, Chan J, Strawn A, Zhou I. Outcomes of Conductive Keratoplasty for Astigmatic Correction in Keratoconus Eyes with Prior Intrastromal Corneal Ring Segment Implantation. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Meeting, Las Vegas, NV 2021.
14. Zhu D, Chan J, Strawn A, Zhou I. Visual Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction after Bilateral Refractive Lens Exchange with a Trifocal Intraocular Lens in Presbyopic Patients. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Meeting, Las Vegas, NV 2021.
Research Poster Presentations
1. Bae H, Zhao L, KanimL, Zhu D, Pradhan B. Variability Among 10 Production Lots of a Single Demineralized Bone Matrix (DBM) Product, Cervical Spine Research Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA 2007.
2. Zhu D, Zhou XH, Chodosh J. Characterization of Resident Corneal Leukocytes in Adenovirus 37 Infection, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL 2010.
3. Liu Y, Zhu D, Lane AM, Kanoff J, Poole-Perry L, Munoz B, Shah A. Assessment of Knowledge and Compliance in Patients with Traumatic Eye Injures, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL 2012.
4. Zhu D, Berry J, Jubran R, Lee TC, Murphree,AL, Kim J. Long-term outcomes of Group B eyes in retinoblastoma patients treated with chemoreduction and low-dose IMRT radiation therapy as salvage: The Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Experience. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting Orlando, FL 2014
5. Zhu D, Reznik A, Chen CL, Wang RK, Puliafito CA. Evaluation of Optic Disc Perfusion in Normal-Tension Glaucoma Patients by Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting Denver, CO 2015.
6. Zhu D, Arnesano C, Do J, Shih G, Cao J, Fraser S, Heur M. Functional Imaging of Ex Vivo Human Corneal Endothelium Using Two-Photon Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Meeting New Orleans, LA 2016.
7. Zhu D, Arnesano C, Do J, Shih G, Cao J, Fraser S, Heur M. Ex Vivo Human Corneal Endothelium Using Two-Photon Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting Seattle, WA 2016.
8. Lee SY, Zhu D, Mehta N, Berry J. Outcomes of Open Globe Injury Repair in an Underserved Population at a Level I Trauma Center: The Los Angeles County + University of Southern California (LAC+USC) Experience. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting Seattle, WA 2016.
9. Zhu D, Koo E. Effect of Temperature and Trypan Blue Staining on Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty Graft Scroll Width. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA 2017.
10. Zhu D. Conductive Keratoplasty Following Intracorneal Ring Segments Implantation in Patients with Keratoconus. World Cornea Congress Meeting, Boston, MA 2020.
11. Dave A and Zhu D. Ophthalmology Inquiries on Reddit: What Should Physicians Know? The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, May 2021.
12. Chen K, Huang A, Abdullah A, Zhu D. Characterizing Content and Performance of Ophthalmology-Related Content on Social Media. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, May 2021.
13. Tom E. and Zhu D. Social Media and Cataract Surgery: An Analysis of Instagram Hashtags. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Meeting Las Vegas, NV 2021.
14. Hsueh J and Zhu D. Characterizing Top Ophthalmology Accounts on Social Media. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Meeting Las Vegas, NV 2021.
15. Abdullah A, Chen K, Huang A, Zhu D. Ophthalmology and Social Media: An Analysis of Instagram Hashtags. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Meeting Las Vegas, NV 2021.
16. He B, Tanya S, Costello F, Kherani F, Shamie N, Zhu D. Navigating personal and professional development through social media: a cross-sectional survey of ophthalmologists. Women in Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. Amelia Island, FL Aug 2021.
Textbook Chapters & Educational Articles
1. Le T, Feinstein J, Raskas M, Zhu D, et al., USMLERx Step 1 Qmax Online Question Bank, www.usmlerx.com, December 31, 2009.
2. Zhu D, Cuzzo L, Patel V. Myopic eyes and cataract surgery: We’ve come a long way. EyeWorld Journal Club.
American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. March 2015. PP 152-153.
3. Zhu D, Shamie N. Intraoperative and Postoperative Complications of Descemet’s Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty. Cornea. 4th ed. Mark Mannis and Edward Holland (Eds.) Philadelphia: Elsevier; November 2016. Ch. 132
4. Zhu D, Shamie N. Endothelial Cell Loss Following Endothelial Keratoplasty. Mastering Endothelial Keratoplasty. Soosan Jacob (Ed.) New York: Springer; August 2016. Ch.9 pp 141-158.